Message from the Executive Director
Discover What’s Possible!
Our team is always looking to find something unique to bring to our programs, parks and facilities. The Trails Challenge 2K Obstacle Course Race and Parkour at the Zone are only the beginning. We hope to see you on Saturday, October 7th for the 3rd Annual Youth 2K OCR.
River Trails Park District has a 501(c)3 Foundation. This group of residents and park district staff create opportunities to raise money, which goes directly to scholarships such as Send a Kid to Camp Campaign. In 2016, the Foundation raised over $7000 to help offset the cost of these scholarships. We are looking for energetic community members with great ideas (i.e. Glow in the Hoe Event) to help us continue to grow this great Foundation. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact me at We’d love to have you join our team.
Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming park design projects. This fall we are finishing Evergreen Trails Park by replacing some of the playground features and adding a small shelter. We are also looking to start the design phase for Burning Bush Trails Park. We hope you will offer your input.
Family bonds are improved by the sharing of leisure time. Families that play together, stay together! Check out our family events such as Old Fashioned Picnic in the Park, Monster Bash and Polar Express because the Benefits of Recreation are Endless!
RTPD ahs several opportunities for you to share you thoughts and insights with us. Specifically, we are looing for community mmebers who are intserestin becoming on of our excellent Board of Commissioners, expand our Foundation membership as well as the Resident Advisory Committee. These are exciting times! Be an active par in helping Discover What’s Possible!
The River Trails Park District servers both the Prospect Heights and Mount Prospect communities.
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